The Followers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I need your opinions.

Hi ladies,
especially those of you on MUA, recently i have been contacted for a swap, a custom purchase on my side. So in return I get to choose what items i'd like from her end.

She offered me Perplex and Hidden Treasure from another MUA's swapper, as she is swapping with the latter. After a few correspondence, she told me the items are swatched a few times, like brand new (as quoted). But the value of the swap as stated to me: HT: at least $10, Perplex: more than $5.

She said she based her prices off eBay.
edit: She did swap about usd 5 worth of stuff for Perplex so i guess i am ok with it. She did go the length to get it for me. and as for HT, i agree with you all now, so im accepting that too. Im just a little upset that I wont be getting BN items but quoted at BN prices.

What do you think? Am i being shortchanged?

Thanks in advance for all your comments!


Jen said...

HT should be priced at whatever you can get the dupes for (Nubar 2010, Nfu Oh 38, GOSH Rainbow, etc) so I think $10 is about right.

Perplex at >$5 is total garbage though. I bought it at retail for $5.50 at my CVS, so I can understand right AT $5, but it also has been widely available at Big Lots recently for $1. So I would go so far to say it is worth $1.

Cheryl said...

HT sounds good though! I'm not sure about Perplex. I guess it depends on what you're sending her. I had a swapper ask me buy her lots of Etude House polishes but she sent me some pretty cheap (and I'm sure they've been used before) stuff in return. We're just unfortunate that we don't get a large variety of polishes.

Recalcitrant Nails said...

Being an MUA swapper myself - I find it very difficult when people say "like new" or "new" when its not. I've run into swappers on more than one occasion that want the new price for something that has been swatched 1x or more and I find it unsettling.

IMO, in the end I think it comes down to if YOU feel you're getting a good deal or not. Even if the item is not new and you really want it and you are comfortable with what you agree to swap for because you want it - that's the bottom line, then I'd say you are not getting cheated no matter what someone else might think/say.

If, however, you are feeling uncomfortable with the swap because its misrepresented or because you think you can keep trying for the items to get them at a better deal (or a different way) then I feel you might reconsider because you might always feel bad about this decision.

Another thing - you might google "SH hidden treasure dupe" because if you are okay with a dupe of it, Nubar 2010 is pretty much the same exact flakie and I know that NfuOh has a flakie the same color as SHHT and they are cheaper (in the states anyways) than the $20 price tag that seems to be attached to SHHT. Also, you can check blogs for comparisons of REvlon Perplex and Barry M Dusty Mauve.

Sorry, that was a lot of writing. Good luck with whatever you decide.

emmajoy said...

If you're concerned with getting yourself a good financial deal, then you might want to get them to paypal you the equivalent in cash for the CP. So just ask them to pay you what you paid for them, perhaps plus a couple of dollars for your trouble.

On the other hand, I always remember that a swap is to enable both parties to obtain items that they otherwise would not have been able to. So if it's a slightly used item, and you can barely tell, then it doesn't usually bother me. Different strokes, though.